back again, sort of

don't really expect anyone to read this, as Jo says, the blog should be just for me. am currently at the Palace of Heavenly Food =D a.k.a Aunt No.1's house, stealing the neighbour's internet. but since i'm not downloading anything or using a lot of bandwidth, i don't feel bad. stopped blogging for a while cause got distracted by other things =D but am currently experiencing a drought, which is definitely a good thing for me. have wanted to start blogging again for quite a while, all these random things come into my head which i want to post, but never got down to it.

today marks the first day i enter into adulthood, i got my first real pay slip. there's even a SOCSO deduction which makes sense, i've had four work-related injuries to date =D RM3.25, enough to buy a box of Band Aids i should think ;)

images taken from and

old man sent me a veryyyy random text. "it's raining in paris". ........ ok?? so i told him it was raining in kuching too. here is a visual for you, i couldn't find a photo of raining Kch so i improv'ed, looks more like snow :S

my grandma is amazing, she can understand me even when i'm not speaking. she got me to drink some yukky 'kamchia' drink just now, have no idea but think it's sugarcane. i told her my 'chui pua' (have a mouth ulcer) and she went on about how i wasn't drinking enough water. i felt indignant cause i think i do drink quite a bit each day and i made the "ooh!" (got!) sound with my mouth full of water. and she went "ooH!" in a disbelieving tone. oh well, she raised me the first 12 years of my life, so i guess that's got to count for something.

hmm. i seem to use a lot of smileys. can i add a thing for putting them in? let me know. extremely boring post but i am feeling so woozy and brain dead from all that cutting and pasting which i really do get paid a ridiculous amount of money to do =D

maybe you'll see me again or maybe you won't :)

p/s: dessert, yum yum :) taken with the lappie webcam, so was a lousy shot but still :)


Anonymous said...

I have a thing against dragonfruit, they have LOADS OF ALMOST INVISIBLE WORMS! I might not eat it again for at least another year.

eve910 said...

WHATT?? where did you hear that from~!? and bloody hell la, evrything also got worms. in the words of Old Man : it's got antioxdants!! good for you!!


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