in a state of zombieness

okay. so that post took like. AGES to put up. that happened last tuesday i think. and i'm usually eager to have a food review up.

i feel like i'm slowly dying. so dramatic! but it's like. SLOWWWLYYY. like if your happiness was physical and you had a big big ball of it, it would feel like someone taking a penknife and slowly flicking off a small piece of it, every day.

i've lost it, i've lost my 'spark', my burst of happiness evrytime i meet someone new or experience something new. i refuse to give in to....jadeity? i don't want to be like this, it's not me.

i can't figure out what it is at all. not homesick, although i do miss home in the normal fashion. not lurvesick, although i miss Diehard a lot. a lot a lot.

must be getting aunty visit soon. dammit.



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