fear of spiders - arachnophobia, fear of heights - bathophobia, fear of not getting a job..?

i spent all bloody afternoon in my dad's freezing office trying to finish up my CV and by 5 i still hadn't gotten it. maybe it was the cold. yeah, excuses, excuses. stressed out and went to find relief in the fridge at around 9pm. came in the form of:Wall's Italian Gelato range, Tiramisu flavour. wanted to drizzle a bit of Bailey's onto it but ended up practically drenching it instead. and no, it wasn't subconscious! bailey's icecream at Daily Scoop in Singapore is still the best tho :)

feeling completely 'pekchek' at 11.40 and surprise surprise AhB messages me on msn. that pretty much never happens so later when he told me Jo had asked him to call me, i wasn't surprised :| anything to get out of the house at that time tho, so off we went.

i didn't get a good photo cos of mr. orange backpack but the waterfront burgers are apparently pretty good as well, but a little more expensive than 'Salun Sue' 's lol. skipped on the burgers but had porridge at Petanak's, teochew people eating teochew food made by more teochew people. no photos :S i forgot again cos was amazed by the quality of the lap cheong omelette thing.

sitting in the car as he was driving thru town, the streets bathed in orange glow from the streetlights, just thinking about how beautiful it all was and how this will always be home to me, even if i can't stay. i didn't take a photos. but then for some things, you don't have to.


ahlost said...


Hehehehe.. Long time no see and chat and contact and ... LoL..


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