home sweet home...no fireworks tho..:~

finally back after my hiatus in 'the jing' :D yes i <3 BJ, it has given me so much. so, new blog, new address, same old name. photography skills still leave a LOT to be desired. and apparently what little writing 'skills' i possess has gone out the window, this being realised after i took a whole day to complete my CV. according to my dear dear Ms Humphries, all other languages get kicked out when you learn a new one. so hopefully this blog will help to kick-start 'the England' again :D

drove frantically to the bridge at 11.55 p.m, 30/08, to see fireworks but alas, there were none. I guess we forgot we were part of Malaysia? even the next day there wasn't any.. :( ah well at least we had fun draping an item-that-shall-not-be-mentioned-in-a-public-blog over our cars and...ourselves :Dwent to the usual place after that cos for some reason *aHem* evryone was starving. sio bao and yam puff to the rescue!!

would it have been better to have taken the chicken rice instead? oh well, there's always next merdeka :)



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