13 minutes

to 12am. i feel like i'm back in the days of refusing to sleep cause i didn't want to waste time.

then after that. it was simply because i could not. because if i lay there, in the dark, alone, everything would come rushing to me at once. and it was unbearable.

maybe i'm just feeling uncomfortable (read: ngiawy) because the cat isn't with me tonight. or that i botched up my hair-curling, which i knew i would.

yes, i'm writing randomly. i just feel like blogging.

i should be excited. in a week and 3 days i will be exploring one of the greatest cities in the world, my dream city since i was in primary school.

maybe that will do it. bring that feeling of wonder and amazement and rush that i miss so much from the old me.

it's all your fault.



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