My Last Day

was like..

rushing around, freaked out i couldn't get my last project done in time..cold, wet, running from one building to another, getting my jeans soaked, clacking around in my impractical but strangely comfortable Aerosoles wedges, having my badge taken away (! *sob*)

frantically taking photos, feeling a strange (VERY FREAKING STRANGE) sense of detachment as i said goodbye to everyone. is this my way of dealing with difficult moments now?

i'm still on Mac-mode, doing alt+(key) instead of Ctrl. i am going to miss that glorious widescreen.

i will miss everyone. some people more than most. found a friend in the last place i expected. i hope it's mutual. the conversations have kept me sane for all this while.

did a last and final (insert name here) and left my adapter and phone charger at the office. JEEZ. lucky that JK is home sick and could get the computer cord off her. so, back to the office on Monday i guess!

it was fun :)

3 days to New York. phoo.....i'm nervous.

bright lights, big city. bring me back to me..



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