
i was rereading the first few chapters of Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix (of which i have 2 copies, go figure..any buyers?) and i stumbled upon this word, fug. why i don't remember it, i have no idea, possibly due to my 'fast' reading style which sometimes causes me to skim past words :D

anyway it was something about the boy wizard breathing on a window and creating a misty fug. at first i thought it was a typo. so i looked it up on Google definitions and it is a real word!

Web definitions for fug

(British informal) an airless smoky smelly atmosphere

nice how you learn something new everyday. or rather, relearn, in this case. however, the definition says smoky and smelly. is she insinuating that Potter is an underaged cancer stick fan? or maybe he indulged in my favourite dish from Chili's ;)

cool word. shall try to insert it somehow soon :)



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