Goodbye and Good Luck

about 2 years ago i chanced on this blog. Her pictures were simple yet meaningful, they were stories that i could really relate to. i even made a phone theme out of her work! and she also seems to have a good guy friend that funnily enough is called Pandaboy :DDD

now it seems she has decided to end her online career, possibly because she has finally found happiness elsewhere and has no more need to pour her feelings on to paper and online. i am happy for her but at the same time selfishly sad because i don't have her drawings to look forward to anymore.

funny how it seems she found 'life' again almost a year after i did. :D

if you haven't stumbled on her site, you're indeed lucky because you have a whole set of new drawings for you to discover at your leisure. i hope one day she will continue drawing again of her new happy life in a stable relationship and hopefully about her views on other things as well.

goodbye, stickgal, and all the best! thanks for making me feel less alone in my past crappiness :)



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