
just realised a good thing about my current employed state

people are actually paying to listen to me talk.



saw a typical chinese calendar today. it's sunday so the day was marked in red. the date stood out more than ever on most months.

have you moved on? i should be happy.


went to hijau for a quick booze fix. been having dinner-supper days for the last 2, wonder if it assists in weight gain or loss? sadly, i'd assume it would be the former.

singha beer is yummy :)

had hoped the alcohol would help with sleep deprivation, but am still wide-eyed half an hour after getting home. i remember someone told me that most 'medications' should kick in after about 10 minutes so i guess my hopes are in vain.

yes, 2 beers. don't be fooled boys and girls, it doesn't guarantee a happy ending.

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