
So.late night driving two days before CNY

been going around doing heaps of nothing. pretty obvious when i stop blogging.

fish in the water feature at a relative's house

This new year's seems so so different without her around. It was expected, but like everything else that's expected and unwanted, it still hit like a bitch though. wow. first time i've sworn on the blog :D

2-day old baby birds at mom's best friend's house

espite the keeping busy, despite the alcohol...certain things just seem to have firmly taken root in my heart and brain. my grand master plan of pretending to act like everything is fine seems to be falling down around me.

taken during the Damai trip, 5th day of CNY

i keep trying to push it out of my mind, but it just keeps coming back, slamming back, relentlessly pulling me into a deeper state of confusion that i just cannot crawl out of.

fireworks outside the Hilton, on Valentine's Day.

i give up and give in. i can't do anything else about it.

today's post is the 67th post, which is one more than the old blog. seems appropriate.



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