i'm not on a diet

Old Man brought back some steaks from Singapore the other day. didn't take photos of the wonderful dinner we had, but we had a small piece left over and a few days after that i sliced it into a salad.
my usual rojak salad, which is anything you can find in the fridge that you think will go together. Australian green coral lettuce, sliced cucmber, broken-up feta and dried dates, and the sliced steak.
yeah i know, dried dates sound funny but they gave the salad a nice slightly sweet twist :) and OMGGG the feta. words cannot describe how much i love this cheese. tomatoes, cucumber, feta, a drizzle of olive oil, some lemon juice and a sprinkle of coarse black pepper = hallelujah in your mouth.
even though it was a great meal and i had a great view, was still casually wondering in the back of my mind what he was having for lunch :)

it's ok. the psychoticness will end soon. i hope.



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