my heart will go ooOOOoooNnnNNN~~~

the weirdest ever thing just happened.

a hot but cloudy thursday afternoon. i am sitting at my computer with my windows open and humming of the fan at my back. suddenly an ice-cream truck song starts blaring from nowhere, with its shrill music-box-like qualities breaking the stillness of the afternoon. i strain my ears to jolt my brain into remembering why the song is so familiar.

and then a motorcycle with an ice-cream cooler strapped to its side goes whizzing past on the road below. as i watch it vanish into the distance, i suddenly realise what the choice of song to lure children out of their homes to purchase a cold, creamy confectionary and break the afternoon heat is.

my heart will go on, overplayed-t0-death, bricks-dropped-on-the-stereo-playing-the-song-
on-Letterman-Show, theme song from the Titanic.

whyy lahh choose that song!?



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