go and read it. scroll down a bit to where there are huge lumps of paragraphs that just don't make any sense. for example:
"Her sister," menorah medical center kansas city mo said, menorah medical center kansas city mo was young a certain great philosopher with open arms. Her mind emptied itself of menorah medical center kansas city mo by moving a compass-needle to one of his greatest need. This then was by menorah medical center kansas city mo in no less than this. And yet I'm not trying to figure out how Stringfellow devised an hypothesis of electrical images, which became a man becomes a spectacle and, if menorah medical center kansas city mo want menorah medical center kansas city mo to pay out westward to Newfoundland. 'Spare his blushes! Beetle charms menorah medical center kansas city mo first.' Beetle stood up, "You could tell menorah medical center kansas city mo was away from menorah medical center kansas city mo. The menorah medical center kansas city mo with room stinks with sweat, dirty linen, Grover's oaths and the evil day thus for some strange communion service. "
so i woke up at 4.30am to finish my damn ampullary stenosis presentation and was procrastinating yet again by checking my yahoo mail which i haven't, in AGES.
and found an email! i thought it was a forwarded one at first, Pikachu is notorious for that :D (see i got you a new nickname, Angelic-Scamp too long la :D Pikachu is the original one right?) but when i opened it, it was a REAL email!
man, i suck. i like getting stuff, but i'm always bad at reciprocating. tomato plants! argh. selfish me.
anywayyy...THANK YOU PIKACHU!!! you put a big smile on my face. made me feel less lonely :D
most of the people i know probably think "ah well, she's used to going abroad, meeting new people, living on her own.."
weHhell...i'm not as strong as you think...but i'm trying. i think i'm under a lot of stress living here, trying to make a good impression, adjusting to a new culture (yes, it is new to me, despite what you think of my angmoh-khuan-ness), being around people that i don't know at all...
i like being thought of. and yes, i do think of all of you, at one time or another during my day :)
here's the song i got with the email. at least someone's helping to update me on the music scene! :D
so here i am procrastinating again. okay i am getting somewhere in my research but along the way i happened to stumble on this website:
okay so basically about 2-3 months after all my shyte came down, i was having this weird heart thing, so i went to see a doctor and he diagnosed me with MVP.
no, it doesn't mean i'm a Most Valuable Player :P it stands for Mithril Valve Prolapse. the doc said it wasn't that bad.
but this is what the site has to say about it:
Floppy Mitral Valve / Mitral Valve Prolapse / Barlow's Syndrome - (Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve) : Image Link
One or both mitral valve leaflets are enlarged, myxomatous and floppy and they prolapse into the left atrium during systole causing midsystolic click and mitral valve insufficiency.
image taken from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/18148.jpg
The disease occurs in the age group of 20 to 40 years and may be due to developmental anomaly affecting connective tissues (as it is common in Marfan syndrome).
Clinical presentation :This is usually asymptomatic and discovered only as a midsystolic click on auscultation. It may be associated with atypical chest pain, dyspnea, fatigue or psychiatric symptoms like depression, anxiety etc.
Patients have an increased risk of infective endocarditis, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias and sudden death.
hohoho. i just got an SMS from the most unexpected of persons.
made me sooo SHOCKED man. not syiok k! i was gonna put shocked in the SMS but i know will kena suan again. so replaced it with 'surprised'. nyahahaha. smart lehh.
tried to find a photo but nada. how come it's so difficult to get a photo of Jacob's Vegetable crackers?
thanks anyway, lion. even if it wasn't you. which i bet it wasnt! you made my day!
okay. so that post took like. AGES to put up. that happened last tuesday i think. and i'm usually eager to have a food review up.
i feel like i'm slowly dying. so dramatic! but it's like. SLOWWWLYYY. like if your happiness was physical and you had a big big ball of it, it would feel like someone taking a penknife and slowly flicking off a small piece of it, every day.
i've lost it, i've lost my 'spark', my burst of happiness evrytime i meet someone new or experience something new. i refuse to give in to....jadeity? i don't want to be like this, it's not me.
i can't figure out what it is at all. not homesick, although i do miss home in the normal fashion. not lurvesick, although i miss Diehard a lot. a lot a lot.
so MommyK and JK had gone to the beach for the week, and MK was at camp. Which left me and DaddyK fending for ourselves for dinner. the first day we had Subways. OldMan was freaking out cos he hates Subs but i love them! always want to order something else but always go back to my beloved Italian B.M.T!!
i guess DaddyK felt bad because the next day he brought me out to this place. now, don't even bother asking me for directions or anything! It's one of the must-try all-American food on my list, buffalo wings. i didn't really know what to expect so i was pleasantly surprised by the interior. HEAPS of nascar, beer (Bud and Coors) and cigarette (Camel) memorabilia, surround wooden chairs and tables or booths if you'd like a more private dining experience ;) felt like a fun place.
i had a Bud Light courtesy of DaddyK before we got there, so i opted for pink lemonade instead, i'd never tried it and saw it on The Sound of Music in the hotel room in KL. what can i say? it's just like more 'flowery' Sprite. next time i come here i'll have to go for a salad and try the malt vinegar. fyi, the hot sauce tastes almost exactly like that chilli sauce from Sabah that Paikut's sister gets.
wow. this is the first time i've mentioned him and it took me awhile to get the name. first up: sliced potatos deep-fried and served with cheese sauce. yeah, you can guess by now this is going to be a cholestrol-inducing meal! OH MANN they were goood, i liked that some of them were a bit thicker and had more bite to it whereas some were thinner and had a great crunch. the cheese sauce was a bit thick to cling onto the chips but great and not plasticy-tasting nonetheless.
yes, i just used that word okay. so sue me!
red peppers stuffed with cream cheese and then fried in a crunchy batter...you know that's going to work. the red sauce is slightly spicy and cool, almost jammy-like. the cool cream cheese and spicy pepper really balance out, and the batter was good, not too thick and perfectly crunchy even after it had been left out for awhile. mozzarella sticks! with salsa sauce...now why didn't i ever think of that?? bad photo...sorry...was just too eager to get that cheesy, stretchy stick into my mouth! i like it without the sauce though, but it takes the richness off if you've had too much i guess :) and here is the MAIN meal of the day, buffalo wings! in medium hot, which i came to regret, cos after Thailand i discovered i lovee spicy food. DaddyK gave me the cheese toast on top which i only had one bite out of, cause who wants to waste stomach space on bread when there's that gorgeous spread above? okay, so when we were finished it wasn't so gorgeous anymore. Yes, we didn't finish the chips and yes, we didn't tapao. sigh. so waste hor? but he said not to. and i am staying at his house.
to sit down and write about my experiences so far? this is my third week on the job, it's getting interesting, thank God! i completely understand i have to just slog thru the lousy stuff before i get down to the fun bit, but it's kinda hard, as some of you will understand.
ok here's a brief rundown. i'm working as a marketing intern at a medical company we will call CMI for short. Old Man's been there for years, and since the beginning, W-S was just like this mysterious place that we all wondered about but never really thought we'd go to, much less work there!
what i've done so far: Monday - had my first bowl of Cap'n Crunch. sweet corn-flavoured cereal, a perfect combo with milk. was evrything i'd ever imagined from reading all those Archie comics with the Cap'n Crunch adverts :D That evening we went to this place. MommyK's food was soo good i couldn't stuff anything else down. it's been two weeks so i don't remember what she made and i couldn't take photos cos so weird right! but she got some mixed popcorn and MK had that 'custard' on the right.
i still don't really understand what custard is, i should go google it soon but it's like ice-cream and it looks damn good! the crazy kid got like 8 different toppings including unbaked cookie dough. weird but yummy!
the popcorn mix was great too, sweet caramel popcorn with salty savoury cheddar popcorn. when you get sick of one you start on the other. what a freaking good idea.
Tuesday - first day at work, and first lunch with MeowMeow. She's so pretty! i think it's her personality that enhances it, :) she's my walking dictionary for the office. She brought me to get lunch, we both had Big Daddy burgers, and oh man was it big! but damn good, the burger was juicy and of course, it being American-sized, i left four bites on the plate, and half the fries too. My feet were again killing me from the damn blisters, lucky there was a shoe store a few doors down so i popped in and got a pair of shoes : Mootsie Tootsies, for $19. yeah i know..but my shoes were.omg.it's soo pretty and cool looking.but a killer on my feet! so i've been wearing this evry single day now. it's all good :)
Same evening - first Krispy Kreme! FYI, Krispy Kreme's home is W-S :D and i had it FRESH off the rack too, as pictured in the corner. no i didn't take those photos. i was too distracted :D so what does a warm almost-hot Krispy Kreme taste like? exactly what it is - steaming, pillowy soft dough covered in a so-sweet and almost crispy icing shell..mmmMMmm... Wednesday - my first Twinkie! Lemony, sugary sweet soft pastry covering a cream center. i actually don't see much difference between this and the Apollo Swiss Roll we used to get at the canteen in primary school :D guess that's a Malaysian Twinkie?
In the evening DaddyK and MommyK taught me a new game and oh DAMN it's fun. ok it might seem kinda grandma-ish but if you get started i sweaar it's so addictive. or maybe it's just the aunty in me. :D welcome to Polish horseshoes!
each person has three of that thing you see hanging over the pipe rung, its 2 golf balls on either end of a rope. the aim of the game is to stand on one side of the pipe rungs and swing your golf balls to the other set of rungs, so that the rope wraps and hangs around the rungs. you can throw it straight or you can bounce it on the ground. watch a video here. (not mine!)
guess what. i won my first game! lucky eh?
Thursday - went to watch Hancock and Wall-E. going to watch Wall-E was fun for reasons i will not disclose ;) safe to say that MommyK is soooo coooooolll. In addition to the fact that she and MK love Def Leppard :D:D:D i loveedd Wall-E, it was so sweet! best scene - Wall-E and Eve dancing in space, she with her jet-propulsion and he with his...fire extinguisher. hmm. hehe. sob scene - when wall-e nearly died :S
and then....
my first 4th of July~!!! we had the traditional barbie as DaddyK likes to call it. he made this drink for me, pineapple + rum in a dug-out pineapple. so nice yea! i called it my welcome drink lol i have a retarded expression on my face but :D notice my red white and blue wardrobe?
after dinner MommyK brought me and MK to watch fireworks. we sat next to a field in chairs they had brought. gosh. no feelings of wonder and awe anymore. is this a sign of growing up? if so, it sucks.
image taken from : http://www.planefunaviation.com/images/w-s_skyline2.jpg
well it could be or not, depending on your frequency of visits to this blog. sorry, dear Readers, but this blog is mainly for me to blah out my stuff, so yeah, take what you can get and all that :D
so after all that horrific disgustingness with SIA and my flight to JFK Airport, NY, i finally arrived at Charlotte Airport, NC, tired, smelly and hungry! there was a bit of confusion but i finally found MB, the Old Man's colleague and good friend in Winston-Salem. the only conversation i've had with this lady was her asking to speak to my dad and me saying hang on, for like nearly 12 years! it was great to finally meet her, she's a great lady and i can understand why the Old Man fits well with her. Let's just say she would love my family. lol.
so i'm staying with the Old Man's friend and his family, there's DaddyK, MommyK, KK, JK and MK. they're all great people, very warm and welcoming :) when i saw my room, i was just bowled over, it's even bigger than the one at home!! four poster bed, built in closet..omggg..and my bathroom is damn cool. this is all in the 'basement' which is more of a ground floor and has another living room and a games area with pool table and a bar and a jukebox and a pinball machine and a slot machine. omgomgomgomg. i think i'm more on a vacation than working mann...
ok. the dog just came into my room. gives you an idea of how things are like here. i love it!
i do want to show my dear Readers the whole place but i'm not so sure how they'll like the idea of their home being showcased on a blog. what do you think?
i feel so paiseh staying here lo. eating and evrything for free and MommyK is so nice to me. sometimes i think i kill her with my endless jabbering. oops hehe.
seriously lor. a lot to blog about. but i don't feel like blogging about anything. except about how much i miss home. i don't think the Old Man reads this blog (i hope) so i can just say it.
after two weeks of being here, i don't think this line is for me. :P it's really too bad cos there's a lot of opportunities here if i wanted it, but....i'm just not feeling it...i talked about it with MB and another great lady from work, MeowMeow and they both told me just to do what i want to do. DaddyK and MommyK too. i'm so dying to go into hospitality or tourism. it's like..working at this has made me realise more that i really want to get into that. even though it'll be crappy pay and crappy long hours, i would love it!
or maybe that's just my idealistic young self talking...few years down the road i'll be like "what was i thinking!?!?" lol.
oh well..
i miss Diehard. i miss Diehard horribly. i wish i could go two days without talking to him or hearing from him but i just cannot. i want to learn to be strong and independent so i can make our relationship better. but all that's got nothing to do with why i want to go back after the three months, and not six months as bossie (JD) is pushing for...
image taken from:http://www.quasidesigner.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/datemi.jpg
i really don't know how to tell him. Bossie I mean. and especially Old Man...
i like the company. the people are GREAT. the environment is good. i'm in the MARS building. stands for Marketing And Research & Development. cool ey? but..... it's just not...happening. argh. Asian mentality is telling me to take the best i can get (money-wise) but western influence is urging me to fulfill my job happiness. what's a girl to do?
damn. the blog's called short snaps right? byebye. :P another time maybe.
forgetful, messy, clumsy, loud, PARANOID! am now alternating between my K800 and OldMan's old n95 for photo-taking.Update: RIP k800, you were the best. Using Nokia x6, E7 and ipad 2 camera now.