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well it could be or not, depending on your frequency of visits to this blog. sorry, dear Readers, but this blog is mainly for me to blah out my stuff, so yeah, take what you can get and all that :D

so after all that horrific disgustingness with SIA and my flight to JFK Airport, NY, i finally arrived at Charlotte Airport, NC, tired, smelly and hungry! there was a bit of confusion but i finally found MB, the Old Man's colleague and good friend in Winston-Salem. the only conversation i've had with this lady was her asking to speak to my dad and me saying hang on, for like nearly 12 years! it was great to finally meet her, she's a great lady and i can understand why the Old Man fits well with her. Let's just say she would love my family. lol.

so i'm staying with the Old Man's friend and his family, there's DaddyK, MommyK, KK, JK and MK. they're all great people, very warm and welcoming :) when i saw my room, i was just bowled over, it's even bigger than the one at home!! four poster bed, built in closet..omggg..and my bathroom is damn cool. this is all in the 'basement' which is more of a ground floor and has another living room and a games area with pool table and a bar and a jukebox and a pinball machine and a slot machine. omgomgomgomg. i think i'm more on a vacation than working mann...

ok. the dog just came into my room. gives you an idea of how things are like here. i love it!

i do want to show my dear Readers the whole place but i'm not so sure how they'll like the idea of their home being showcased on a blog. what do you think?

i feel so paiseh staying here lo. eating and evrything for free and MommyK is so nice to me. sometimes i think i kill her with my endless jabbering. oops hehe.

seriously lor. a lot to blog about. but i don't feel like blogging about anything. except about how much i miss home. i don't think the Old Man reads this blog (i hope) so i can just say it.

after two weeks of being here, i don't think this line is for me. :P it's really too bad cos there's a lot of opportunities here if i wanted it, but....i'm just not feeling it...i talked about it with MB and another great lady from work, MeowMeow and they both told me just to do what i want to do. DaddyK and MommyK too. i'm so dying to go into hospitality or tourism. it's like..working at this has made me realise more that i really want to get into that. even though it'll be crappy pay and crappy long hours, i would love it!

or maybe that's just my idealistic young self talking...few years down the road i'll be like "what was i thinking!?!?" lol.

oh well..

i miss Diehard. i miss Diehard horribly. i wish i could go two days without talking to him or hearing from him but i just cannot. i want to learn to be strong and independent so i can make our relationship better. but all that's got nothing to do with why i want to go back after the three months, and not six months as bossie (JD) is pushing for...

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i really don't know how to tell him. Bossie I mean. and especially Old Man...

i like the company. the people are GREAT. the environment is good. i'm in the MARS building. stands for Marketing And Research & Development. cool ey? but.....
it's just not...happening.
argh. Asian mentality is telling me to take the best i can get (money-wise) but western influence is urging me to fulfill my job happiness.
what's a girl to do?

damn. the blog's called short snaps right?
byebye. :P
another time maybe.


Anonymous said...

hey good to hear updates from you. :)
yeah, it's a tough choice about the job thing, but wadever coming along after that, have no regrets. either good or bad, it's part of life experience. :) i'm sure you gonna make it thru gene.
well, take good care there n have some fun! ;)


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