a friend in need

Dear Pikachu, thank you very much for your email. i'd like to reply it in a long version but i just wanted to drop something here to let you know how much i appreciate your words of encouragement. our life sure sounds like most of us at this age now. so just know you're not alone in that :)

i guess most people who know me must think my life is grand, earning US bucks and going abroad. well guys..it's not that simple. i seem to be the odd one out most of the time, in terms of being an intern, being a guest in a family home, being WITHOUT A CAR, being an Asian..

some may think those are silly, unimportant things. but for a person like me, for whom human relations is a very important factor in her life, those things stand out to me every day. i've said it before and i'll say it again. if i wasn't making good money but i was in a job i thoroughly enjoyed and felt i was contributing to, and had an environment where i had good and dependable friends, it would be more than enough.

i went to the store and bought some pretty things to make myself feel better, as someone recommended i do. what do you think makes a more lasting impression in your memory, a new wallet or a good and long conversation with a person you feel totally at ease with?

see where i'm coming from now? :P

Well, Pikachu, my message to you kinda ended at the first paragraph. i just wanted to make a point to anyone who might happen to read this. again, i really do appreciate your email, it's so good to know that someone out there is thinking of you and cares for you. i know you're not the only one, there's all those people whom i put in my Facebook album too :)

if you really sit down and think about what this life is for, which one would you choose?



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