on the street where i lived..

okay i know this is horribly overdue...i've cheated again with the date, actual posting is 1st March :D
my uncle lives in my old house now, it was my grandfather's. i didn't take a photo of my old house, but this is what i woke up to evry morning for the first 12 years of my life. except it was in daylight. *aHem* i remember being forced to go to bed every night at 8pm, and i would be awake for the first half hour just listening to the various sounds that made up the nighttime soundtrack of my neighbourhood.

my eldest aunt provided a whole load of food for my big family, including all-time favourites such as 'ngo hiang', chicken curry, kachangma and steamed fish. MakKo brought along roast pork from Mandarin restaurant, it was sinfully fatty ;)

this evil, evil place is where my extreme fear of earthworms sprouted. this bathroom is the only one in the house with hot water, and it's situated right at the back of the house, beyond it is the garden. imagine being a little kid and enjoying your shower, when suddenly, without any warning, a black, slimey, long earthworm writhes its way out from the cracks between the tiles and starts heading for your scared-shitless nekkid body. omg even writing about it i get the creeps :S

went driving again that night with Diehard for company. i thought this was the perfect photo to end my Chinese New Year posts :)



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