Sunday family dinner

i'm going to try and start posting my family sunday dinners. i love this tradition, even though it mainly consists of the same meal, PORRIDGE, which is served because of the demands of the Old Man. he loves porridge, he even likes his rice cooked close to a porridge-like consistancy. food is usually provided by Koko, with one or two additional dishes thrown in by MakKo. This Sunday we had, clockwise from bottom, roast duck given to Koko by a friend, fried mackerel courtesy of Old Man's big haul from last time, fried gluten 'kio-sie' style, eggs fried with chai-po and the BEST, rajang dried shrimp with soy sauce and lime juice and chopped shallots, omg as i'm typing this, i'm positively drooling from hunger!!

sunday family dinners are always great, not just because of the food, but also the company. i love sinking into the raucousness that is my family :)

after dinner there was some kuih salat, provided by MakKo. OMG they were the softest tastiest things imaginable, after such a great meal. had Diehard taste some the other day for objectivity and i think he liked it too :)

can't wait for the next one :)



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