20 sticks of satay

made me laugh SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard today! ok ok i admit my hokkien is like that big piece of excrement after you've had the spiciest plate of belacan sotong but it was worth it to see the ABC dripping down Genius's face! Genius, this is a public apology to you okay! i am VERYVERYVERY sorry i whacked you so hard that the ABC splashed on your face!

but seriously. you are one of the very few people who would just laugh it off. and i thank you for that :D
seee...that's why we can be friends till today, right or not? hehehe

so the question now is, do you pick the green dress cause it suits you? lol.

bleh. no sleep tonight eh.


Anonymous said...

ABC splashed on his face O_O



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