when it rains, it just freakin' pours


i feel so sorry for my poor beautiful baby. she serves me well and is my only companion when i need to release some stress. she listens to my terrible singing and she sets me free from my seemingly endless stream of drama.

i didn't do this to her by the way! was parked nicely OFF the tarmac in front of Koko's gate when all of a sudden this guy just reverses into me. he somehow looks familiar. like that person that Genius and i had to deal with in Saberkas.

off to get Diehard in my wretched but still lovely baby. sigh.


Anonymous said...

not again?!!

eve910 said...

yesss....i'm going to be car-less for at least 3 weeks!!!! omg~~~

Anonymous said...

one week past :)

two more weeks to go :(


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