essentials for your carry-on luggage

image taken from :

1. toothbrush. seriously never know when you will need it. like me. now. in a hotel room without any toothbrush. and it's the Sheraton. :S

2. flip-flops. ever since Beijing, i have come to realise that, no matter how old or where you are (except maybe in places where you could get frostbite), you will always need to wear flip-flops. i now have two great big blisters on either foot because i wanted to make a good impression.

3. cellphone charger. even if you are superbly confident that your cell will last till forever. cause it won't. and you will need it.

4. extra tshirt. the lightest, thinnest one available.

5. snack bar. in case you have no food and the cheapest thing available still costs about rm30 :S

6. CREDIT CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so. so. so. lucky. to have one.

7. the phone number or contact of the person you know can calm you down, even in the freakiest of situations.

oh wait. you already have that in your head, don't you? :)




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