cloud photo of the day (well not really)

so Tassie came to get me and we went off to lunch with A at Full House cafe, which is near to the airport roundabout (i'm not exactly sure what that area is called, i always just say BDC, anyone care to enlighten me?) and my food was not too bad but theirs sucked BADDD. the amount of salt in their rice-with-chicken-thing dish was enough to turn you into a sea :P and Jo, please don't take that literally~!! hence, no photos.
so we were on our way back to my office and i was halfheartedly trying to take some cloud photos. didn't turn out that great but i thought i'd post this one cause there is the top of a wicked-looking new(?) Honda coupe at the bottom of the photo. didn't catch the licence plate number or model either. i didn't bother to edit the photo as you can't even tell if the person inside is old or young, male or female. lazy to google it, so all you car fanatics out there, tell me what it is!



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