cloud photos

we apologise for the (emo) interruption and will now resume our usual broadcast.

my today's cloud photos!

Tassie's come back and so i haven't had time to blog (meaning i have internet access but not on the desktop, which is in her room, so lazy to blog from the freaking slow laptop).the good thing is she now drives me home so i can take photos without nearly killing myself ;) Ms. Law Student a.k.a Tassie would probably call this 'reckless endangerment' :P haven't really been inspired to take good cloud photos lately cause of the lousy weather which makes the sky look all gauzy. it's beautiful to the eye, but not thru a 3.2 MP cameraphone lens :S

life has been pretty boring of late, so nothing more interesting than cloud photos to post, but boring is good sometimes :)
but....tomorrow is thursdayyy :D SCS is coming :))))))))



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