kedinginan maksimum!

was bored while waiting for Tassie to come get me for lunch today, so went into the supermarket to buy a drink and this caught my eye. it says 'sensasi dingin maksimum' (maximum cool sensation??) at the top, so i decided to give it a shot.
kind of reminded me of sleepy mornings in beijing where we'd get a small can of Nescafe for our morning 'fix' :D to get us thru 4 hours of mandarin class. was waiting for the 'sensasi dingin' and it...well, not so much hit as gently pushed me after about 15 seconds after my first gulp (yes, gulp, i'm not a self-confessed 'cho-lo' for nothing!). it feels like how your mouth gets after you've finished a mint, like Eclipse :)) i should do a review on that soon.

was peering intently at the side of the cant at the contents section but couldn't find any mention of peppermint or anything of the sort, just the usual ingredients for coffee. it's probably in the way they process it. pretty interesting though :)



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