amat memalukan!

so we left WS pretty early tonight, and on the way home i was mentioning to Genius that he'd yet to teach me to drive his manual car, so since it was kinda early, he brought me to the Sg. Maong market carpark to try.
so we got there and he stopped and i gleefully got out of the car and ran eagerly to the driver's seat. evryything went well....exCEPT for the whole damn business of actually getting the car to start moving. it didn't help that his damn shift was some crap short shift and was HELL to change.

yeah, i stalled the car like a million times, which was a given and i probably put the team name to shame as there were still a few people around the shophouses wondering why this silver Iswara was going round and round. hence the title of the post as moaned by Genius as i stalled yet again ;D

he didn't let me out on the big roads. but i'm sure i can make it by at least Christmas if we keep up the lessons!

by the way....R.I.P parrotfish :S


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but you already learnt manual driving before you got your license.. So it should come back to you. Like riding a bike..some skills you never lose?
Poor fish. Maybe they don't get enough exercise? That's why they go upside down alot?
Finished selling my stuff. Will move out by Friday. Not online much cos packing! :/

Anonymous said...


I'm sure you still remember the skills like Jo said.. Hehehe..

All the best :)


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