first SS cloud photos

guess it shouldn't really be called that cos there's only one actual cloud photo from SS. oh well, can't be bothered to think of a better name ;)

looks like an old photo cause of the brown tones, hey? Genius said this one was better compared to the blue toned one. please ignore the guy on the right, i'm too lazy to crop him out ;)

not much text for this one, except it wasn't sooo hot today. and yeah, okay, it's cause i am cheating again :P

I'm not sure why I like going to The Place either. most people who don't understand go 'what the helll do you do there?!' well...i go there and i sit down, and i soak up the environment. being in The Place is like..going to a kampung, completely no offence meant. it's definitely in a good way, it makes me feel relaxed and calm. everything is just so much more.. greener and earthier and cleaner, in a way (well, not the immediate vicinity ;D but the surroundings).

here's the first of the three that i liked.
i love driving home after sunday's activities on this road. it's not only the view, it's the time i think back on the day, and the week before it.

it's days like these i really love living here :)



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