SS cloud photos (maybe the last for the year)

yeah ok i know, i'm cheating. but so whattt, if you couldn't do that, then the option wouldn't be there, would it? :D

it was a SUPER (:D) hot today. some guy who'd rocked up the week before with a whole head of poofy hair arrived with his newly-shaven pate glistening with sweat in the afternoon heat. but even though he was heavy, he looked damn cool anyway. some guys, even if they are heavy, carry themselves in a certain way which sorta makes the heaviness essential to the cool factor ;D
was SOO damn glad i'd forgotten my bottle at the office and just grabbed the huge jug of cold water from the fridge.

found out an interesting fact that someone fears earthworms, possibly as much as i do. wonder what's his story?

on the way back i decided to take a detour to enjoy my 五月天 live concert cd as long as possible. lucky i did, the view from the back roads was simply amazing..

photos aren't that great, granted, you really had to be there. it was one of those moments that, to sound damn clichéd, took my breath away. one photo taken from The Place, just for memories' sake :)

had to have my plate of 'mani chai' (spinach) beehoon today, as Tassie was only arriving at 8+p.m. and i'd have to starve till then. it was absolutely delicious, possibly made even more so by the large possibility that it would be my last for the year.

and maybe the company? ;)

leaving the Second Place.

yes yes, it's askew. don't ask so much ;)


Anonymous said...

How come the first n second photos in this post have the pixel-ly blocky things near the bottom/side? (the first one's black, the second's grey) Is it just me? Or are they really pixel-ly? Were they censored? Or cacated uploading? :/ Or something else?

And "mani chai" isnt spinach is it? "mani chai" is "cangkuk manis" in malay..which I'm pretty sure isn't spinach in english. Cos spinach is "sawi" in malay. Erm..right?

I'm going to bed. Started to question myself as I type this comment thingy. Odd. Think I need sleep. Goodnite!

eve910 said...

am in the office stealing internet again, was having a boring day till i saw your comment :D ROFL~
i censored the thing la, using Paint, so sad eh? still too lazy to install & learn how to use Photoshop...wait till you come back ler..
i dunno, my dad always said it was spinach so whatever la :D will google it when i get home, though can't seem to find meedin online at all, closest i can get is jungle fern :D

Anonymous said...

erm..yes, it is jungle fern. i think so. uh huh.


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