Macadamias from Vietnam

Old Man came home from Singapore today. Poor thing's afternoon flight was diverted to Sibu cause of the heavy rains. Apparently the people from Sibu on the plane were overjoyed as they got to go home earlier than expected, even if they wasted the money on the ticket from Kuching to Sibu.

He'd promised macadamias from Vietnam as his colleague was going to go there and said he'd get some back for the Old Man. The packaging was as basic as you could get, it'd just been vacuum-packed and looked like chocolates, which is exactly what my adorable grandma thought when she popped the whole thing into her mouth, shell and all :D couldn't stop laughing for quite a bit .

they were absolutely delicious! and great fun to open as well, there was a key that came along with the pack (it's in the top right hand corner of the photo) and you wedge the small pointed end into the nut that's been pre(?)-cracked. turn the key and hey presto! you've got yourself a smooth, slightly oiled and salted, crunchy, heavenly nut. the Family was soo 'loh tong'-ing it, they were grabbing handfuls and enthusiastically turning away :D

loh tong is a Teochew expression for getting excited about or praising something. literally translating, it means shaking, like you're so excited about something you're practically shaking :D

some of them were not cracked properly so you couldn't use the key to open it. i grabbed the little bronze mortar pestle that Old Man got from India ages ago, and proceeded to bash the nuts :D it was funn although some were admittedly a bit more bashed than I wanted it to be.

lack of photos means i had way too much fun opening and eating the macadamias to bother taking photos :)



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