or is that supposed to be japonesque?
1 minute later thanks to Wiki, i found out 'japonesque' means "Works arising from the direct transfer of principles of Japanese art on Western, especially by French artists".
you learn something evryday :)
gave some to Genius the other night when he came over, it was finished in one long gulp and pronounced 'eh sai lah'. :S typical.
it's a pale milky (duh) green colour when poured out and has a light milk taste as opposed to other milk based drinks. not too sweet and not so heavy on the melon flavour either. yummy~ will buy again :)
oh and i belatedly read the top of the carton which says 'shake well before consume' (yea, you can tell it's made in Malaysia ;)) but yea, no difference.
will now proceed to finish my overdue library book and melon milk. :)
Huilin used to buy this. Haha.. It's ok, quite nice I suppose..kinda sweet in an artificial-bubble-milk-tea way though. But quite nice if you don't think so much about it.
don't think so much about it~?!! as in you don't concentrate on the taste hia LOLLL you are soo funnnyyy i love and miss you lotss hurry up and come home!
i don't think it's very sweet ler? but not very thirst-quenching either, been having a dry-ish throat and it didn't help at all :P
i love melon milk.
but it's hard to get it here in ipoh.
btw, i'm drinking one now! <3
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