Alicia Keys - No One


truth is..this song makes me feel happy. it reminds me of a Valentine's night where i was just getting to know someone who would show me a different kind of love and care i'd never had before. the song was blasting from a club downstairs and i had that miniscule, fluttering feeling of getting to know someone for the first time and finding out you like the things you're finding out. a lot.

yes, it's different. very different. but why would i want what i had before? they obviously didn't work.

so, if you tell me it's the truth, i would be very happy indeed.


Anonymous said...

i am going to presume this is addressed to me since we both know this is obviously a reply to my last post.

so, you reply publicly to a private post on a matter meant only to be shared with the select few.

hmmmmmm. this seems famailar.

what were you thinking again?

this doesn't make sense at all because

1) those not in the know, aka everyone besides you and me obviously, would not understand the full context of the situation, so hence lose the full meaning of the post.

2) why reply publicly when it wouldn't make any difference to those who read it, unless out of a misplaced sense of causing some kind of hurt to those that it would matter?

i REALLY don't understand.

yes, you can say it's your blog, you can post whatever you want, but sometimes, think about your actions and their consequences eh? what do u think would happen if i make public my blog? more than a few ppl would be affected.

so, hopefully, when you turn 24 in less than 2 weeks, your brain would have matured completely and you can make better decisions.

although it may not turn out to be the case. lol, look at me and my track record. :P


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