a hole in my wallet

i finally found a place to stay in NYC. the money is probably not worth it, but i bet Old Man stopped sweating when i told him the location, a block away from Times Square. here's a preview..

its right next to the Majestic Theater which hosts the Phantom of the Opera play. so i don't really have an excuse to go...even if i fork out $37 for a seat all the way in the back, i can still say i watched the Phantom in NYC!

so the trip is less than a month away and let me tell you, i seem to be not good at all on saving money for it...if you want to come to Winston-Salem and shop, MommyK is your best guide!

i always thought that i would love to have someone pick out stuff and say 'here, get this', and i found her! she's helped, or actually forced me to get things i wouldn't normally cause i'd jus say it's not me..i swear this is my mother's revenge on me, she always said i was AhMa and i told her she was AhLian :D.

TJ Maxx is hell for my wallet and MommyK is the devil LOL i got this Kathy van Zeeland bag for $35, i don't think it's that bad to spend on this bag, it doesn't have alll the pockets i'd like it to have but it is a good size and a nice cheery yellow.
a definite change from what i'm used to buying, i have to tell you! i don't know why, i'm always used to getting 'safe' drab colours. at least it's less drastic than the zebra-print belted one she initially wanted me to get at SteinMart!
it's even got its own bling for added 'AhLian-ness' :Di can hear you now. "where the hell are you going to wear that?" i don't know either but i love them! they are so cute! when i got this i also got my Winston-Salem killer heels, $15 for a pair of sexy shiny black BCBGirls heels. that was my absolute favourite buy cos it was so damn cheap.

and of course MommyK found a pair of gold wedges at TJ Maxx for $10. how to turn down i tell you?! it looked soo cool with my newly pedi-ed black toenails (pedi was also a first!).

yeah, i sound like a shopaholic. but i rarely go out to eat or even ANYWHERE here okay. so it's worth all of it! it's great spending my own money for the first time :)

wah. so late liaw. goodnight!



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