Stuck again!

so i'm in Charlotte Airport now, about 3 hours after being informed my flight to JFK has been delayed (TWICE) from 1.50 to 3pm then 5.30pm!! walked around for a bit then my freakin lappie bag got too heavy for me and was searching allll around for a powerpoint to charge my Tosh finally settled for Burger King!
Charlotte Airport has graciously offered wireless internet throughout the place, so i'm able to pass time and blog while enjoying my Double Whopper with fries and Dr Pepper (mmm :)))
i guess anything is good when you're hungry! but this is amazing (hey i haven't had a bite to eat all day k!!)! two luscious juicy beef patties with spongy sesame seed bun, actually crispy lettuce and tomatoes which the juice hasn't been all wrung out of!

best part: tangy green pickles...mmmm..............

fries are good too! but still can't wait to eat NYC food with DBS + 1 tonight~! yay yaayyy~~~


Kelly said...

siennnn...i ammmm soooo bludi jelesss of u!!!!..:P

eve910 said...

i have a photo for you`!! i am in my first night in Brussels, sooo exhausted, i'll post it up soon`!

Kelly said...

wat photo? wat izit abt?


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