McDonalds country ham biscuit

so i was sitting at my desk idly flicking through news and wondering when i would finally appreciate the rumblings in my tummy and go heat up yet another muffin for my first bite of the day.
image taken from

suddenly an angel in a cable-knit sweater descended and presented me with this! thank you SO much, R! ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the best thing since sliced bread, the McDonalds Country Ham Biscuit!

yea. i thought it was a cookie too. it's southern for BUN!

omg. biscuits are. the BEST thing. crumbly fluffy, still-warm, with a delicious salty piece of country ham in the middle. last night i had one KFC biscuit and i sopped up my sambal sauce with it. WOW. MAN.

4 weeks more and i will try the recipe out back home in the kitchen!



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